Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Make Sure You Walk Around...

When I was told the flight to Hong Kong would be 15 hours, I really didn't think it was a big deal. I guess I figured I would sleep most of the way but it turned out to be the longest plane ride of my LIFE. After watching 3 movies, 2 hours of sitcoms and countless flight attendants serving all 350 passengers meals and "beverages", I was shocked when I found out we were less than halfway there. I only walked around 2 times (both to use the "lavatory") and squirmed uncomfortably in my crunched window seat. The last five hours were slightly more tolerable since I slept and the last 20 mins I was glued to my window trying to see beyond the fog. The best part of the flight was the landing. The HK airport is on an island and as we were descending all I could see was the water until the last moment when the wheels dropped and the pavement appeared. Unnerving and fantastic at the same time.

Once off the airport, we had to go through immigration. Navigating through one of the largest airports in Asia was pretty confusing and after our passports were stamped we headed over to the dreaded BAGGAGE CLAIM. Now, I should explain: Daniel and I each brought 3 pieces of luggage. 2 checked bags and 1 carry-on. One of my checked pieces was a duffel bag that was supposed to securely sit on top of a rolling piece. Seeing as I over packed my duffel it wasn't exactly stable and the morning of departure, my sister, Sarah, assured me that the application of a simple bungee cord would do the trick. Last time I trust HER to secure my baggage. As we traveled thoughout the airport searching for the shuttle, I was forced to stop every 30 feet or so to pick up my falling duffle that would not stay on my roller! Talk about looking like an idiot in a foreign country. Sweaty, aching and tired, Daniel and I piled into a taxi, (our bags hanging out of the trunk) and booked it to HKUST. The night was just beginning...

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