Monday, March 14, 2011

Sacred Notes

Well everyone, it took till week 5 but it finally got serious. Coming back from the Philippines I got a rude awakening of a midterm, economics homework, and accounting project. I should have figured things would get tougher, I mean, it is called STUDY abroad. And we heard the curriculum here was challenging but it didn't hit me how challenging until this week.

One of our classes, an economics money and banking course is taught by an engineering major with a PhD in economics. Kind of a strange combination but a really smart guy nonetheless. in accordance with our textbook, this professor provides us proofs of economic situations based on HIS OWN research meaning everything from the method to notation of proofs, he came up with and thus has no reference material to offer his students. What makes it worse is that his proofs are riddled with mistakes which we would never even know mattered unless he told us during class himself. We call his notes "sacred" because they seem to be the only ones that exist and our grades basically depend on them. Needless to say the course is exhausting and I am not looking forward to the final!

View from the HKCEC in Wan Chai
This weekend Daniel and I volunteered to work at an education forum sponsored by a British organization. Going Global is held once a year for people from different countries to get together and talk about important issues that they all have in common. This year, the theme was education and with Hong Kong undergoing a reform in the university and secondary school systems, it seemed the like proper place to host the forum. Our responsibilities were very simple: manning registration tables and directing the delegates to proper speakers. It was really neat to see all the representation. There were delegates from over 180 countries. Being held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center, it also gave us a chance to get off campus and explore the harbor and island a little bit more.

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